Thursday, December 10, 2009

The code has something wrong with it in my game because it won't do what I want it to and it is making me REALLY MAD!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Karee,
    Both your team and project page are looking great! They show the work you have done to this point, which is very useful for somebody like me, who lives quite far away. I can easily check on what units you have finished. If you ever need help with the flash files, just add a link of your .fla file that you have uploaded to your wiki to your blog, so that I can look at it and see if I can help.
    Keep up the good work!
    Mrs. Barker

  2. Karee,

    I have figured out the problem and I look forward to sharing it with you. The code is not messed up, we were just missing a piece of it. I look forward to seeing those cute little animals animated in your game.

    Mrs Sheppard
